Retail Industry: Why has “On-line” channel become an ally for the “Off-line” one?

Categorie: Business Transformation | Digital | Marketing | Retail | Sales Channel

Today’s incredible success and adoption of mobile telecommunications and technology have created an intersection between the historical parallel, and sometime conflicting, “off-line vs on-line” marketing and sales strategies. During the first decades of adoption, companies, in particular in the retail sector, thought that Internet was a new “marketing and sales channel” to be used for […] Continua a leggere »

“Chatbot” la tecnologia che rivoluzionerà l’interazione cliente-azienda, soprattutto nel settore retail

Categorie: Artificial Intelligence | Business Transformation | Digital | Intelligenza Artificiale | Retail | Technology | Tecnologia

La tecnologia “Chatbot” rivoluzionerà il modo con cui le aziende interagiranno con i propri clienti, ma ancora a molti è oscuro il significato di cosa siano le “Chatbot”, a cosa servano e come le aziende le possano usare per migliorare la relazione con i propri clienti. Diverse ricerche dimostrano che gli essere umani preferiscono quelle […] Continua a leggere »

Digital Technology is the “Invisible Force” disrupting the retailing industry

Categorie: Business Transformation | Digital | Retail | Technology

How many of you know or remember these manes: Blockbuster, Barnes&Noble, Borders, Blackberry, Compaq, Nokia …. Maybe some of you yes, but most maybe not. These are the pre-historic examples of retailing business models which did not understand or, even worse, underestimated the rise and intrinsic importance of the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY. All the above now […] Continua a leggere »